Minutes of February 2022 LHNA Board Meeting

Lowry Hill Neighborhood Association Board Meeting Minutes
Date: February 8, 2021
Location: Zoom
Time to Call Meeting to Order after Quorum: 7:02 PM by President Charles Scheiderer
Board Members Present: Charles Scheiderer (President), Thomas Regnier (Vice-President), John Lillehei, MD (Secretary), Jacquelynn Brown, Vickie Gilfillian-Bennett, Fran Davis, George Montague, Sue Westerman, Robert Hinck, Chad Harkin, Anne Nelson, Craig Wilson
Other Attendees: Lisa Goodman, Lieutenant Charles McCree, Charlie Rybak, & Carla Goodwin plus 10 Zoom Participants
Minneapolis City Council Update
7th Ward Council Member Lisa Goodman presented a neighborhood and city update. The next Lunch with Lisa is Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at The Abbey, located in Loring Park at 47 Spruce Street, Minneapolis 55403. Connected to a 19th Century Mansion, The Abbey has been thoughtfully restored with modern amenities and opens this spring.
The Zoning Board approved the variance at 2215 East Lake of the Isles Parkway.
Lisa shared her thoughts on the Minneapolis Police no-knock warrant in the face of the Amir Locke’s unfortunate, preventable death. The use of the no-knock warrant is a product of the country’s “ war on drugs”, launched by President Nixon in the 1970’s and then gained momentum in the 1980s under President Reagan. Three states and a few cities currently ban no-knock warrants. There are many forces that are pressuring Mayor Frey and Governor Walz to do the same. Lisa added that city residents are in a necessary period of deep reflection and change required to restore trust in our Police.
Finally, Margaret Anderson Kelliher, Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation, is being tapped to run the Minneapolis Public Works Department.
Minneapolis Police Department Update
5th Precinct Lt. Charles McCree provided an update. Inspector Katie Blackwell was not available. One juvenile has been arrested and another has an outstanding warrant in connection with two January Lowry Hill carjackings. There were an additional two non-Lowry Hill carjackings connected to last weekend’s City of Lakes Loppett Winter Festival. There has been a citywide increase of theft of cars left running and unoccupied during the cold snap. Lt. McCree warned against such practice. The MPD daily patrol of the Lowry Hill neighborhood started a few days ago under the Lowry Hill resident organized Minneapolis Safety Initiative.
He emphasized that carjackings, theft of person and of home are most often crimes of opportunity. Once again, be aware of you environment, stay off cell phones, scope out your surroundings before entering or leaving your cars, keep car doors locked and home doors locked at all times, and outdoor lights and motion lights activated.
Minutes of January 4, 2022 LHNA Board Meeting
Motion carried to approve the minutes
Crime and Safety Update
Crime & Safety Chair Sue Westerman presented an update. January 2022 Lowry Hill Crime has dropped 50 % from December 2021. It is possible that this is secondary to the bitter cold weather but hopefully this downturn continues. Sue and Jennifer Wirick Breitinger’s food and beverage delivery to the 5th MPD Precinct during the January 18th Roll Call was a much appreciated success. The Minneapolis Police Initiative Police Buy Back program has started with daily patrolling throughout Lowry Hill. Lowry Hill resident Cam Winton organized this program. All questions regarding this program should be directed to him at:
Treasurer’s Report
Charles Scheiderer provided the LHNA January 2022 financials for Treasurer Toni D’Eramo. The 2022 Budget is in process by the new Budget Committee.
As of January 31, 2022:
Total Bank Accounts: $35,563.33
1205 Prepaid Expenses: $5,517.50
Total Assets: $41,080.83
(1205 Prepaid expenses includes $5,517.50 in prepaid 2022 expenses for accounting, web and ad production services)
Liabilities& Equity
2101 Advances on City Contracts: $5,517.50
Equity: $35, 563.33
Total Liabilities & Equity: $41,080.83
(2101 Advances includes $5,517.50 in prepaid expenses advanced through Contract 42371)
Events Committee Update
Events Chair Jacquelynn Brown discussed a plan for the 2022 Lowry Hill Neighborhood event schedule, following a successful and well attended 2021 season. For 2022, the proposal is Music in the Thomas Lowry Park on certain Sundays, Fall for Jazz including crafts for kids, the Ice Cream Social, Bingo, and supporting the Kenwood Halloween Party to name a few. In addition to posting these events on the LHNA website, there may be funds available to pay for a neighborhood wide flyer drop enumerating the 2022 planned Lowry Hill events as well as newsletter summarizing them.
Zoning Chair Fran Davis echoed Lisa Goodman’s report on the approval of the variance for 2215 East Lake of the Isles Parkway with work to begin this spring. There is no new information on 1527 W. Franklin.
Fran introduced Carla Godwin, Project Manager at the Graves Foundation & Training Director at Peris Hill. Carla stated that the Peris Hill is 50% occupied and should be fully occupied by the end of March 2022.
Neighborhood Priorities
Chair Craig Wilson reported that the North High Track Booster Club has surpassed the fundraising goal of $44,000 with over $50,000 in donations for Track Team equipment. Information on donation to the Booster Club is on the LHNA website: http://lowryhillneighborhood.org
Craig will speak with Bob Cooper on the 2022 return of the $94,000 in Propel Funds to the LHNA.
Communications Update
The new Lowry Hill Neighborhood Signs are in production and will be installed in 2022. There will be a more details at our March 1, 2022 Board Meeting when Communication team Toni D’Eramo and Tyler Ecklund-Kouba return.
Budget Committee for 2022
The 2022 City funding for the LHNA is more complex. There is the Equitable Engagement Fund, Neighborhood Network Fund, Collaboration and Shared Resource Fund, Partnership Engagement Fund, and finally the $94,000 returning from the Propel Loan.
President Scheiderer solicited volunteers to form a 2022 Budget Committee to evaluate, access and utilize the funds listed above.
Committee Members: Charles Scheiderer, Craig Wilson, Sue Westerman, Chad Harkin, Anne Nelson, Vickie Gilfillian-Bennett, Jacquellyn Brown, Fran Davis, Thomas Regnier
Southwest Voices and Charlie Rybak
Charlie Rybak discussed the new free digital Southwest Voices that started in October 2021 by co-founders Charlie Rybak and Andrew Haeg. One can sign up for the digital news at: southwestvoices.news. Charlie grew up in the southwest neighborhood and has a keen interest in digital media and local news. He thought it important to impart local news to the SW neighborhood especially since local newspapers such as the Southwest Journal have unfortunately ceased publication. He emphasized that the loss of neighborhood news has exasperated the division, divisiveness, and polarized dialogue in our communities. With Southwest Voices, Charlie hopes to rebuild communication and meaningful conversation in our city and local government.
The Southwest Voices also covers local goings -on such as Park Board and School Board Meetings as well as cultural events. It welcomes and embraces reader email feedback to enhance their experience.
March LHNA Zoom Board Meeting, Tuesday, March 1, 2022, 7:00 PM
As there was no further business,
Meeting adjourned by Charles Scheiderer at 8:15 PM by motion carried.
Minutes by John Lillehei, MD
Secretary, LHNA Board