LHNA Board Meeting: April 5th, 2022 (via Zoom)

LHNA Board Meeting

The next LHNA Board meeting will be held Tuesday, April 5th at 7:00 PM via Zoom.

Agenda and Zoom Instructions are below.


1. Call to Order and approve agenda

2. Minneapolis City Council Update – Council member Lisa Goodman

3. Minneapolis Police Department Update – Inspector Kate Blackwell

4. Approve March Minutes

5. Crime and Safety Report – Sue Westerman

  • Discussion and motion for safety cameras using NRP Funds
  • Review of Crime and Safety Committee membership

6. Treasurer’s Report – Toni D’Eramo

7. Zoning Update – Fran Davis

8. Communications update – Tyler Ecklund-Kouba and Toni D’Eramo

  • Signage Installation Plan

9. Neighborhood Priorities – Craig Wilson

  • Status of Seven Pool Plaques

10. Events – Jackie Baylor Brown

  • A review of the events to be budgeted for during the balance of 2022

11. Some Compliance Issues from the City

  • Bylaws Addition concerning alternative to in-person voting.
    Proposed addition to Article 4 Section 11:
    “Any persons attending by video conferencing will be recognized as being in attendance at the meeting and will be able to participate in the voting.”
  • Funding Sustainability Statement to appear in the minutes:
    “Lowry Hill  Neighborhood will prepare a base budget and an extended reach budget supplement each year. The base budget will be funded by the routine funding which covers basic expenses and donations. The fund currently called the Neighborhood Network fund will fund much of the basic operational expenses of the organization. In addition we will continue to solicit our members for donations through direct mail, annual meeting and requests for donations at neighborhood events. Also, in an effort to extend our reach, we will attempt to take advantage of special funds as they become available. We recognize we have to apply for these funds and describe special projects along with how the funds will be spent and the benefits. Current funds in this category include Collaboration and Shared Resources Fund, Partnership Engagement Fund, Equitable Engagement Fund and Community Participation Fund.” by video conferencing will be recognized as being in attendance at the meeting and will be able to participate in the voting.”
  1. Governance – Fran Davis
    • We have two board members rotating off (Toni D’Eramo, Bob Hinck). In addition, we have six with their two-year term expiring who are eligible for reelection, if they are willing (John Lillehei, Vickie Bennet, Fran Davis, Sue Western, Jennifer Breitinger and Chas Scheiderer).
    • Annual Meeting Discussion – Bob Hinck, Thomas Regnier
    • Should we have the May 3 meeting in-person at the Kenwood Rec Center?

13. Adjourn


Zoom Meeting Invite
Topic: Lowry Hill’s Zoom Meeting
Time: April 5, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Lowry Hill is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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