Meet Your Neighbor, the Bryant-Franklin Median!

Where is the Bryant-Franklin median located? The median is located on the Bryant Avenue South and Franklin Avenue in the Wedge Neighborhood (aka Lowry Hill East), near the boarder of Lowry Hill off Franklin and Hennepin.
Why is it located there? Bryant Avenue South is a designated bikeway that connects the Midtown Greenway to downtown Minneapolis and the Cedar Lake Trail. It’s helpful because it offers pedestrians and people who ride bikes a safer route rather than relying on Lyndale or Hennepin. This makes driving safer for cars too by giving bicyclists an alternate route. The median was put there several years ago as a safe harbor for pedestrians and bicyclists crossing busy Franklin Avenue.
Why did it need to be restored? As many people may have noticed, the medians were full of weeds over the summer. Like many projects, the medians never received proper soil to grow healthy plants. Instead, they were filled with “ fill” (sand, rocks, gravel) from the project. Many area neighbors have tried over the years to plant the medians with desirable plants to no avail because the plants couldn’t survive the harsh fill conditions. The medians had to have the fill completely removed and replaced with healthy, living soil, compost and wood chips.
How much did it cost? The total project cost was just over $2000. Fortunately Tangletown Gardens donated approximately 90 plants totaling approximately $900. The cost of the weed removal, fill removal, new soil, new compost, wood chips and planting was $1200. LHNA is now trying to fundraise the money to close the gap. We currently have $200 and need $1000 to pay for the project.
Who was involved? I was tired of driving by the weeds. I got fed up and asked Tangletown Gardens to evaluate the problem and, with the consent of the Wedge Neighborhood (aka Lowry Hill East), it was completed this month. The Lowry Hill Neighborhood Association is acting as the fiscal agent for the fundraising effort. It was easier to work with LHNA because I am already a board member.
Are donations tax-deductible? Absolutely YES! The Lowry Hill Neighborhood Association is 501(c)3 so it’s completely tax deductible.
What will do you if excess money is raised? Our plan to to keep it for ongoing maintenance costs…. It would be GREAT to have that problem.
Where can I send a donation? Please make checks payable to “LHNA” with “Franklin-Bryant Median” in the memo and send to LHNA PO Box 3978 Minneapolis, MN 55403.
Charitable contributions to support the restoration of this forgotten median at Bryant Avenue South and Franklin Avenue are being handled by the Lowry Hill Neighborhood Association even though the median is technically in Lowry Hill East. No matter which neighborhood you live in, donations are welcome!
Posted in Meet Your Neighbor