Minutes of March 2022 LHNA Board Meeting

Lowry Hill Neighborhood Association Board Meeting Minutes
Date: March 1, 2022
Location: Zoom
Time to Call Meeting to Order after Quorum: 7:07 PM by President Charles Scheiderer
Board Members Present: Charles Scheiderer (President), Thomas Regnier (Vice-President), Toni D’Eramo (Treasurer), John Lillehei, MD (Secretary), Jacquelynn Brown, Vickie Gilfillian-Bennett, Fran Davis, George Montague, Tyler Ecklund-Kouba, Sue Westerman, Craig Wilson, Robert Hinck, Chad Harkin, Anne Nelson
Other Attendees: Council Member Lisa Goodman, Inspector Katie Blackwell, Lieutenant Michael Frye, MPRB Senior Planner Emma Pachuta
Minneapolis City Council Update
7th Ward Council Member Lisa Goodman presented a neighborhood and city update. Congratulations to Craig Wilson as the new editor of the Hill & Lake Press. The next Lunch with Lisa is Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at The Abbey, located in Loring Park at 47 Spruce Street, Minneapolis, 55403. The Abbey is a new apartment building that is connected to a 19th Century Mansion. The following Lunch with Lisa is Wednesday, April 23, 2022 at the University of St. Thomas with Minneapolis Park Commissioner Elizabeth Shaffer in attendance. On February 24, 2022, Mayor Frey lifted the City’s mask requirement as Covid-19 cases and deaths continue to fall.
The Minneapolis Office of Performance and Innovation has partnered with Canopy, a Twin- Cities based mental health and consulting organization, to provide crisis intervention, counseling, and connection to support services as an alternative to police response. The police are only dispatched if response teams request their help. The crisis intervention teams are now operating 2 mobile units in Minneapolis 24/7 and are dispatched by 911 that will determine their need. Canopy has been well received and appreciated by the Minneapolis Police Department.
Lisa stated that there is word that the change in the Minneapolis no-knock warrant policy will be the strictest in the country.
Minneapolis Police Department Update
5th Precinct Inspector Katie Blackwell introduced 5th Precinct Lieutenant Mike Frye, whom introduced himself as a committed police officer who has been in the MPD since 1991. Inspector Blackwell touched on the status on new Police recruits and that the City was working on a contract to increase pay to incentivize application and retention but not at the expense of professional quality. Katie then reiterated that Canopy has a great relationship with the MPD, has helped immensely in mental health crisis intervention and regularly attends 5th Precinct Roll Call. It allows the MPD to focus officers on more serious crimes.
Regarding recent Lowry Hill Crime, there only one attempted but unsuccessful carjacking on February 28th that provided the MPD with a good description of the assailant. There were a number of thefts from vehicles, 2 automobile thefts that were remotely started in the cold snap, and left unattended by the owners, and an upswing in thefts of catalytic converter and license plates. Once again, these are often crimes of opportunity. Never leave anything of value in your car or leave a running car unattended, park in your garage or in illumination such as under a street or exterior home light. Remain vigilant of yourself and neighbors for suspicious activity. Lieutenant Frye addressed the catalytic converter thefts for precious metals. In addition to mitigation efforts like vin etching and painting, garage or well lighted parking, he stated the MPD is partnering with salvage yards and the like to never accept catalytic converters so as to hopefully end this vicious market and cycle of theft.
Minutes of February 8, 2022 LHNA Board Meeting
Motion carried to approve the minutes
Crime and Safety Update
Chair Sue Westerman presented a brief update. The trend of dropping crime in Lowry Hill continued with only 14 incidents that included one thwarted carjacking as previously addressed. It is possible that the bitter cold weather played a role as well as the MPD police presence in our neighborhood Buy Back Program that started in early February. It is hopeful that this downward trend prevails.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Toni D’Eramo gave the report. The 2022 Budget is under formulation by the new Budget Committee with membership addressed in the February 8, 2022 LHNA Board Minutes.
As of February 28, 2022:
Total Bank Accounts: $35,227.30
1201 City Contracts Receivable $1, 225.99
1205 Prepaid Expense $8, 863.50
Total Other Current Assets $10,089.49
Total Current Assets $45, 316.79
(1205 Prepaid expenses includes $8,863.59 in prepaid 2022 expenses for accounting, web and ad production services January-December 2022)
Liabilities& Equity
2101 Advances on City Contracts: $8,863.50
Total Liabilities $8, 863.50
Equity: $36,453.29
Total Liabilities & Equity: $45,316.79
Neighborhood Priorities
Chair Craig Wilson reported that the North High Booster Club has current donations of $53,000, eclipsing the initial fundraising goal of $43,000 for Track Equipment. Information on donation to the North High booster club is in the LHNA website: https://lowryhillneighborhood.org.
There was hearty brainstorming on the best use of the returning $94,000 in Propel Funds (NRP Funds) in 2022, the possibility of creating a North High Foundation, academic enrichment, and that Craig and Vickie will soon join a Zoom Call with North High Principal Mauri Friestleben to address such issues.
Homeowner Navigation Grant Fund
Motion carried to extend the Homeowner Navigation Grant Fund for another year
Communications Update
Communications Chair Toni D’Eramo and committee member Tyler Ecklund-Kouba discussed updates. The new gateway Lowry Hill Neighborhood signs with our new logo have finished production and will soon be posted. A LHNA branding update is in progress for website, print ads and email. There was a brief discussion on methods to increase the number of resident email subscribers.
Lowry Hill Neighborhood Association Procedures & Policies Update
There are 6 policies and procedures that are salient for the Lowry Hill Board to adopt to usher our Volunteer Organization into City compliance and transparency. They are the following:
- LHNA Board Training & Development Policy
- LHNA Language Access Policy & Procedure
- LHNA Equal Opportunity Policy & Affirmative Action Plan
- LHNA Whistle Blower Policy
- LHNA ADA Policy
- LHNA Accounting Procedures & Practices
Motion carried to adopt all 6 policies.
Numbers 2-5 are signed by the Secretary of the LHNA Board on behalf of all the LHNA Board Members. Number one is signed by the LHNA Secretary and all of the fifteen LHNA Board Members. All documents are securely stored and accessible by all Board Members.
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting is set for Wednesday May 25, 2022 at the Walker At Center pending availability of that venue. Tuesday, May 24, 2022 is the backup date. Thomas Regnier and Bob Hinck will plan the event including communication and mailings. Sue Westerman and Toni D’Eramo will provide them execution details and recommendations for the mailing.
Carried motion for a $3000 budget for venue, food and beverage
Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Cedar / Isles Design Plan Update
Senior Planner for the MPRB Emma Pachuta narrated a slide presentation of the initial draft of the Cedar Lake and Lake of Isles MPRB plan. The six guiding principles are Protect, Invite, Connect, Tell Stories, Celebrate and Respect. Initial feedback is due by Friday March 4, 2022. Our District 4 Minneapolis Park Board Commissioner Elizabeth Shaffer is happy to entertain questions and feedback. Important information can be found at: www.minneapolisparks.org/cedar-isles.
April LHNA Zoom Board Meeting: Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 7:00 PM
As there was no further business,
Meeting adjourned by President Charles Scheiderer at 8:54 PM by motion carried
Minutes by John Lillehei, MD
Secretary, LHNA Board