Interested in Being 2018 Election Judge?

If you haven’t already done so, please express interest in working the 2018 election events via the election workers portal at your earliest convenience :
Minneapolis is gearing up for the Primary on August 14, and the General this November 6. Both elections are listed on the portal, and you can log in to express interest and to add preferences for all day work or one of the half shifts.
If you don’t have your Username and/or Password, or you just can’t stand the portal :), feel free to call Tim Schwarz at 612-673-3870 and they’ll get you your Username / reset your Password or otherwise help you over the phone.
We have some new staff that will soon be on board to assist with judges, and we’ll then start making assignments for all the folks who have expressed interest. As always: spread the word, get your friends, family, neighbors…anyone! to sign up.