Board Meeting Feb 13, 2018 at Kenwood Rec Center

The LHNA Monthly Meeting will NOT be at a new location for February

TONIGHT’S MEETING IS AT THE KENWOOD REC CENTER. 2101 W Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55405

Next month (March) we will be at First Unitarian. Sorry for the confusing updates.

Tuesday, March 6th at 7:00 p.m.
All residents are welcome.

Note this is a date change and a location change from our regular “first Tuesday”. The meeting was rescheduled due to the February 6, 2018 caucus.

Lowry Hill Neighborhood Association
Board Meeting
February 13, 2018, 7:00 – 9:00 PM

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Minutes & Board Action

    a. December 5, 2017 minutes
    b. January 9, 2018 minutes
    c. Letter of Support for ECCO re: Sons of Norway

3. Community Announcements (Councilmember Goodman)

4. Treasurer’s Report

5. Committee Reports

    i. Environment
    ii. Zoning and Planning

      a. Variances – 1700 Mount Curve

    iii. Crime and Safety
    iv. Events

      a. Ice skating social – Recap
      b. Monthly meetings – Change of venue
      c. Snowshoe Tour of Sculpture Garden
      d. Annual Meeting

    v. Neighborhood Priorities

      a. Hennepin/Lyndale Space Coalition (Craig Wilson & John Van Heel)

    vi. Historical
    vii. Communications

      a. Hill & Lake Press

6. New Business

7. Adjourn